IJD provides an opportunity to reflect upon how international
justice has progressed in the 15 years since the Court’s inception; it also
reminds us to consider the challenges that the ICC faces as it matures into
this new era in its life. Today, of the 139 states that have signed the Rome
Statute, 122 have ratified or acceded to it. 18 cases in eight situations have
been brought before the Court. Arrest warrants have been issued for 21 people
and summonses for nine. Five are in custody; and one, Congolese warlord Thomas
Lubanga, has been found guilty by the Court.
Unfortunately, as the ICC now reaches this new phase of
maturity, it must prepare to face a new host of obstacles. With increasing
political pressure, financial strain, and issues of enforcement; the list of
potential threats to the Court - and to international justice in general - is seemingly
endless. How will the Court respond to the challenges it faces? Will Fatou
Bensouda, current ICC Prosecutor succeeding Luis Moreno Ocampo, be able to
steer the Court’s prosecutions in the right direction? 15 years from now,
having celebrated IJD 2028, what will we have to say about the current efforts towards
international justice by the ICC and the international community?
The answers to these questions will come with
time. For now, read our article A
New Era of Justice, to reflect upon and appreciate this exciting and
dynamic new era for international justice.