Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Congress has the power to support U.S.-ICC ratification

Brooklyn-based board member of UNA-USA’s Southern New York State Division and AMICC supporter Gabriel Levitt voices his support for the ICC. Read his op-ed here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Capitol Hill panel addresses the question of the ICC

The Washington Working Group on the ICC (WICC) and AMICC participated in a recent panel entitled "A Seven Year Assessment of the International Criminal Court: Accomplishments, Next Steps, and U.S. Priorities"

Watch it here.

An expert panel highlighted the Court's accomplishments, its future, efforts to bring the "crime of aggression" under the Court's jurisdiction at its 2010 Review Conference, and how the U.S. can engage the ICC and play a constructive role in bringing war criminals to justice. This briefing was sponsored by Citizens for Global Solutions and Senator Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT). AMICC Convener and Washington Working Group on the ICC (WICC) co-chair John Washburn, an organizer of the event, was in attendance.

Washburn Letter to the Editor, Washington Post

The International Court

Monday, August 17, 2009

John Bellinger's Aug. 10 op-ed ["A Global Court Quandary for the President"] exaggerated the vulnerability of the U.S. military to the International Criminal Court and overestimated the expectations of ICC supporters that the United States will join the court soon.

The court's Rome Statute in Article 98, misused by the Bush administration to try to get immunity for all American citizens, provides the American armed forces the same protection from the ICC through status-of-forces agreements that they enjoy from any other foreign jurisdiction. Most governments and other supporters understand that the inherent difficulties of U.S. treaty ratification mean that full U.S. participation in the court is a long way off. Instead, they work for the extensive U.S. support for and commitment to the court short of ratification, which Mr. Bellinger recommended.

The government's current review of policy on the ICC appears to be focused first on the degree and management of that support. Mr. Bellinger is right that at the same time the United States must defend and explain its interests by joining in the preparatory negotiations underway for the court's 2010 Review Conference.


New York

The writer is the convener of the American NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court, a program of the United Nations Association of the USA.

See the letter here

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New York City "Reckoning" screening with Culture Project

On Tuesday, August 4th, AMICC teamed up with Culture Project and filmakers Paco de Onis and Pamela Yates for a screening of "The Reckoning" documentary.

Over one hundred members of the community joined engaged with panel members for a post-film discussion with Christine Chung, former Senior Trial Attorney for the ICC (far right) Gabor Rona, International Legal Director, Human Rights First (second from right), Pamela Yates, Director of "The Reckoning," and Paul Van Zyl, Executive Vice-President, International Center for Transitional Justice (far left).

AMICC Outreach Coordinator Hannah Dunphy communicated the current priorities for the U.S. campaign for ratification of the Rome Statute, particularly the need for the Obama administration to engage positively with the upcoming Review Conference of the Assembly of State Parties.

Audience members generated letters to the administration, and left inspired with ideas on how to engage their respective organizations and communities towards U.S. ratification of the ICC.

Weren't there to send a letter to Obama? Don't worry! Send one electronically and tell Obama why the U.S. needs to support the ICC now! -Click here-

ICC to determine design for new home

The International Criminal Court is moving! The construction of the court's permanent home will soon be underway. Above is one of the potential designs for the building, which must serve as courtroom, legal offices, high level security detention facility and community space for survivors and other participants in the court's proceedings.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

More work remains to ensure justice

More work remains to ensure justice for war crimes victims, says head of ICC
“Adherence to and respect for the rule of law must become the norm and not the exception. The ideal of a world governed through law is what motivated the establishment of the ICC, it is what we celebrate today, and it is our aim for the future.”  More here.

International Justice Day Celebration Spotlight: Albuquerque

"Real Life in Afghanistan and Pakistan"

On Jul 18th, the Albuquerque Alliance for the ICC and Chapter of the United Nations Association-USA held a community panel discussion led by New Mexicans who have lived and worked in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or other regions of Central Asia. The discussion focused on current conflicts, policies and potential solutions for justice, including the International Criminal Court.


Mr. Craig Barnes, Santa Fe, NM, International negotiator in Central Asia

Mr. Ed Rau USAF retired. military attache in Afghanistan and consultant for US policy in Afghan-Soviet war

Professor Tahseen A Cheema, MD, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery, UNM and visiting professor National Orthopaedic Hospital, Bahawapur. Pakistan.

Lt. Colonel Frank Oliveira, NM Army National Guard. Member Counterinsurgency Training Team, Afghanistan 2007-2008

Congratulations to Bill Pratt and all who put on this fantastic event.

To get involved with AMICC in Albuquerque, NM, email Bill at prattsalwm@comcast.net