After the conviction was announced, the ICC Prosecutor reportedly made a statement that he will seek close to the maximum sentence of 30 years in jail for Lubanga. Angelina Jolie was also present at the verdict of Lubanga, and made the following statement.
After the conviction reportedly the Office of the Prosecutor will ask President Joseph Kabila to hand over army general Bosco Ntaganda, who was indicted by the ICC along with Lubanga and who faces new charges of mass rape and murder. Many have expressed renewed interest bringing Ntaganda to justice in the wake of Lubanga's conviction, particularly because he allegedly has been permitted to live with impunity in a large villa in the city Goma for the six years following his indictment. Reportedly last week a UCLA professor and six of his students obtained the following video of Ntaganda's compound after seeing him drive past in a series of heavily armed Jeeps.
In the Libya case reportedly Abdullah el-Senussi, the former intelligence chief of Muammar Gaddafi wanted by the ICC, was arrested on Saturday debarking from a flight in Mauritania. Reports indicate that Senussi was traveling under a fake Malian passport. Officials from France have said that the arrest was a joint effort between France and Mauritania. Officials from Mauritania have said that both France and the ICC have sought Senussi's extradition, and reportedly on Sunday Libya issued an arrest warrant at Interpol.
This week in Washington, D.C. George Clooney and a number of other high profile individuals were arrested at the Sudanese Embassy protesting potential war crimes committed in Sudan by the government, led by ICC indictee Omar al-Bashir. In the Kenya case, on Friday the Pre-Trial Chamber judges rejected requests by the "Kenya Four" to appeal their decision to send the suspects to trial. In the Ivory Coast investigation a Court official reportedly told the media on Wednesday that ICC investigators may have found mass graves in a small western town. On March 9, 2012 five new ICC judges were sworn in following their election last December. They include Howard Morrison of the U.K., Anthony Carmona of Trinidad and Tobago, Olga Carbuccia of Dominican Republic, Robert Fremr of Czech Republic and Chile Eboe-Osuji of Nigeria. Photo credit: RFI.

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